Our experience with complex transactions allows us to offer solutions you can fully trust.
Heber Partners uses its expertise, technical rigour and constant follow-up to analyse all project variables and identify the most favourable tax treatment, keeping closely in mind the client’s profile and needs.
In addition to the tax area, we partner with the leading experts in each field.

Our approach is based on an analysis of tax risks. It allows us to suggest, under the current law, a variety of solutions for each project and the client’s profile.
We offer sophisticated tax advice, as well as access to the best lawyers in each speciality, to provide comprehensive solutions for each issue.
We limit the number of projects we work on, so we can analyse issues in depth, offer high-quality service and be flexible and responsive throughout the process.
We achieve client satisfaction by providing value solutions to cover their specific needs.
Ignacio Álvarez Lapeira
“We do not want to be multi-disciplinary; our goal is specialisation – to provide solutions that set us apart”
After having provided tax advice as a lawyer in a prestigious international law firm to international investment funds, private equity firms, investment banks, insurance companies and high-net worth individuals, my convictions and passion for tax law led me to found Heber Partners.
My goal is to continue to provide tax advice with the same rigour and efficiency, and to turn Heber Partners into one of the leading tax advisory firms in the province of Malaga.
At the same time, as a university lecturer of Financial and Tax Law in Madrid, I pass on my knowledge, values, experience and skills to future generations, introducing them to the demanding reality of the labour market.
University Lecturer of Financial and Tax Law at Alfonso X El Sabio University, Madrid.
• Master of Laws (LL.M.), Corporate Tax Advice, at Instituto de Empresa (IE), Madrid.
• Bachelor’s Degree in Law, Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, Madrid.
• Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, Madrid.
Co-author of “Manual de compra de deuda en España” 2nd revised and extended edition, published by Aranzadi, Pamplona, in 2019.
• Madrid Bar Association.
• Malaga Bar Association.
• Spanish Association of Tax Advisors (AEDAF).

Our partners´network
Working with the best specialists in each area of law, regardless of where they are located, allows us to provide customised solutions for each type of project.
Thanks to the new technologies in our offices, our clients can meet remotely with all the members of the team who are working on each project.
Our value proposal is to be able to form an ad-hoc team of lawyers, most of them trained in prestigious national and international law firms, as well as professors and doctors of law or economics, with the capacity to obtain sophisticated and comprehensive solutions for each problem.